February 24, 2025

Singapore, SG 26 C

LGBT+ Workplace Inclusion: How we can do better

LGBT+ workers continue to face unique professional difficulties despite increased awareness and efforts towards workplace inclusion. Employees within the LGBTQ+ community may feel pressured to hide aspects of themselves in order to advance in their careers – which negatively impacts workplace relationships, job satisfaction and wellbeing. Here we discuss how you can foster an inclusive work environment for all employees.

Reasons Behind Feeling Pressured

There can be numerous reasons for LGBT+ individuals to feel pressured to alter or conceal parts of themselves at work. With no representation in leadership positions and discrimination from coworkers or supervisors likely preventing advancement opportunities for these employees, their confidence may wane quickly at work.

Impact on Mental Health and Job Satisfaction

Suppressing one’s true self can have serious adverse effects on mental health. LGBT+ individuals who conceal aspects of their identity at work are more likely to suffer depression and anxiety than those who express it openly and authentically. Pressure from heteronormative behaviour standards may also compromise job satisfaction for LGBT+ employees.

Research Findings

The inclusion consultancy group INvolve conducted a study that revealed nearly two-thirds of LGBT+ employees feel pressure to “act straight” in order to advance in their careers, with trans and lesbian women especially feeling this strain. Social expectations surrounding gender identity and sexual orientation present unique obstacles for these groups while discrimination by senior leaders within organisations often creates hostile environments that limit growth potential both personally and for companies alike.

Establishing an inclusive workplace

Organisations looking to foster diversity and inclusion should adopt strategies which support the LGBTQ+ community. Here are some effective techniques for creating an inclusive work environment:

Give all employees comprehensive diversity and inclusion training to raise awareness of the special issues experienced by LGBTQ+ individuals.

  • Create Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) that enable LGBTQ+ employees to connect, share experiences, and offer one another support.
  • Introduce equitable benefits that address diverse family structures, such as same-sex partner coverage.
  • Encourage the use of preferred pronouns as part of an effort to ensure respect for individual identities.
  • Create mentorship programs tailored specifically for LGBTQ+ staff members.
  • Establish areas or groups where LGBTQ+ employees can openly discuss their experiences without fear of judgment or discrimination.
  • Encourage non-LGBTQ+ staff members to become allies who support their LGBTQ+ colleagues’ rights and well-being.
  • Review existing company policies to ensure they are inclusive of all employees regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.


Establishing an environment of acceptance and respect for LGBTQ+ personnel can have far-reaching advantages, including increased job satisfaction and efficiency. Businesses should address any pressure to “act straight” directly so as to support all staff equally and to create a workplace where everyone can thrive.

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